The methods of complex potentials, conformal mappings, Cauchy integrals, and least-squares are used to develop a method for determining the electromagentoelastic state (EMES) of a multiply connected half-plane, with the boundary conditions on the straight-line boundary satisfied exactly. The method underlies an approximate method for determining the EMES of a strip with arbitrarily arranged holes and cracks. The dependence of the EMES on the geometrical parameters of a strip with a circular hole or a crack is analyzed Introduction. In the recent decades, the electromagnetoelastic state (EMES) of piezomaterials in various electric and magnetic fields has been studied intensively [1,[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. The fundamentals of electro-and magnetoelasticity and solutions of partial problems are discussed in [1, 10]. In [3], methods for solving two-dimensional and plane problems of electro-and magnetoelasticity for piezoelectric bodies with holes, cracks, and inclusions are presented and problems of electroelasticity (magnetoelasticity) for multiply connected half-planes and strips are solved.In the present paper, these methods are extended to multiply connected electromagnetoelastic half-planes and strips [7,8].1. Problem for Half-Plane. Consider a multiply connected anisotropic lower half-plane S bounded by a straight-line boundary L + and the boundaries of elliptic holes L l ( , ) l = 1 L (Fig. 1). The boundaries of the holes can go over into cracks,