“…This enhancement has been attributed to the presence of thin films of retained austenite between martensite laths, segregation effects, dissolution of carbides, e t c However, concurrent with this improvement in K. there is a perplexing reduction in the charpy impact energy (Ritchie, Francis and Server, 1976). Similar behavior has been reported in 300-M steel (McDarmaid, 1973) 0 It is well known that thermomechanîcal treatments bring out many beneficial microstructrual changes and hence improved mechanical properties (Kula and Azrin, 1978) 0 Therefore, the aim of the present investigation is to examine the influence of thermomechanîcal treatments at high austenitizing temperatures on the toughness properties of AISI 43^0 steel 0 EXPERIMENTAL The material used in this investigation was aircraft quality (vacuum-arcmelted) AISI 43^0 hot rolled bars of 51 mm thickness obtained from Latrobe Steel Company, in fully annealed condition and having the following composition (wt. percent): As-received steel rods were given the following treatment:…”