The objective of this work is to investigate the composting of food waste in a continuous feed pilot scale reactor. Food waste, collected daily from university restaurants and canteens, are fed to the composting unit together with wood pellets. During the continuous process the maximum temperature reaches thermophilic levels. The carbon dioxide emission factor is 216 g C kg−1 total solids (TS) per day, while the average oxygen uptake rate is 1245 ± 957 g O2 kg−1 TS per day both based on the daily waste input. The average daily cumulative carbon closure is calculated as −12.5% (±35.2%) with ideal closure of 0%. Inoculation of the final product shows no formation of colonies for total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus (E. faecalis, E. faecium, E. durans, and E. hirae) and Pseudomonas (P. aeruginosa). The average respiration activity (AT4) was 12.1 ± 2.14 mg O2 g−1 TS, indicating that the end product is not quite stable and some maturation time may be required, prior to its application as an organic fertilizer.