Despite the fact that in recent years there has been a certain enhancing interest in the study of marine microorganisms, nevertheless, marine bacteria as producers of biologically active substances, in particular enzymes, are still poorly. studied. Th e marine biota is signifi cantly diff erent from the terrestrial one; therefore, there is a high probability of detecting in the marine environment diff erent from terrestrial bacteria producers of enzymes with unique specifi city and activity, for the needs of modern biotechnology. Proteolytic enzymes play an important role in these studies. Since the majority of microbial producers are characterized by a number of serious defi ciencies, in particular, most of the elastase producers described in the literature are pathogenic for humans, the search for new, eff ective producers continues to be an urgent problem, given that highly active producers of proteolytic enzymes, in particular elastase, are generally absent in Ukraine. In this regard, the purpose of this work was to screen microorganisms isolated from the Black Sea for the presence of eff ective producers of proteolytic enzymes. Methods. We used methods of determining proteolytic (caseinilytic, elastolytic, fi brinolytic, fi brinogenolytic) activity. Results. Th e study of the enzymatic activity of the isolates showed that on the 10th day of cultivation in the supernatant of the culture liquid, caseinolytic activity was not detected only in one isolate 56, whereas very insignifi cant activity was observed in isolates 7, 20, and 50. Th e maximum activity was detected in isolate 247 (0.2 units/mL), and lower one -in isolates 46 (0.16 U/mL), 52 (0.15 U/mL), 51 (0.135 U/mL), 54 (0.08 U/mL), and 44 (0.05 U/mL). Of the 10 studied isolates, elastase activity was found only in four of them. Th e highest activity was found in isolates 51 and 54 (20.83 and 19.96 U/mL, respectively). Lower levels of activity (15.62 U/mL and 12.15 U/mL, respectively) were shown by isolates 52 and 247. Th e studied isolates also diff ered in their ability to hydrolyze fi brin and fi brinogen. Th e highest fi brinolytic activity (2.33 U/mL) was found in isolates 46 and 54, signifi cantly lower in isolate 20 (0.5 U/mL) and isolate 44 (0.33 U/mL). Th e rest isolates did not show fi brinolytic activity. As for fi brinogenolytic activity, it was noted in 6 studied cultures. Th e highest levels of activity