Segmentation is irregular, and results in a syncytial blastoderm in which are found micronuclei and macronuclei.
The micronuclei represent ectoderm, the macronuclei the endoderm.
The endodermal nuclei are situated more posteriorly.
A cavity appears in the endodermal mass. It is the endocœle which becomes very large.
The other endodermal cells arrange themselves at the sides of the endocœle, and a few remain ventral to it.
Three regions are differentiated in the ectodermal mass–an anterior group forms the brain and nerves; a middle group gives rise to the pharynx; and a posterior group, which lies ventral to the endocœle and gives rise to muscles, the parenchyma, and the outer ectodermal epithelium.
The endocœle divides into two–a posterior part disappears among the yolk‐mass, while the anterior past unites with the pharynx and opens into it.
The alimentary canal consists of a pharynx, œsophagus, and intestine.
The pharynx differentiates from the middle ectodermal mass; the cesophagus is the persistent anterior section of the endocœle; the intestine develops from cells proliferated from the posterior wall of the œophagus (persistent section of endocœle).
The endoccele is homologous with the archenteron of other animals.
The germariurn is differentiated from the median, ventral endodermal mass, the testes from the lateral endodermal masses; the genital ducts are formed partly of ectoderm and partly of endoderm.