The paper describes the operation of an autonomous passive residual heat removal system (PRHRS) for the WWER-1000 reactor design. The basic feature of the PRHRS is the heat removal from the primary circuit through thermosiphon-based heat exchangers. The layout of the PRHRS and its composition are presented. The results of analytical modeling of the PRHRS with RELAP5/ Mod3.4 code are given. The analytical characteristics of the system operation with removal of the residual heat from the reactor's primary circuit proved the high effi ciency and reliability of the PRHRS in blackout transient. The functioning of the system for heat removal to the external air was compared with that to water. When external water is used as the heat repository, an antifreezing thermal protection is provided for low-temperature conditions. The calculations present the results of modeling the PRHRS emergency heat removal from a WWER-1000 reactor in the case of a small noncompensible LOCA coinciding with ECCS HA isolation failure. The infl uence of the ECCS HA isolation failure on the PRHRS effi ciency has been assessed, along with optimization of the PRHRS composition with the purpose of mitigation of the infl uence of the injection of noncondensing gases into the primary circuit. The operational conditions providing effi cient long-term removal of residual heat, which is indicated by the primary cooldown and depressurization along with fuel integrity, were examined.