The helicity of a smooth vector field defined on a domain in 3-space is the standard measure of the extent to which the field lines wrap and coil around one another; it plays important roles in fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics. In this report we show how the relation between energy and helicity of a vector field is influenced by the geometry and topology of the domain on which it is defined. In particular, we will see that the standard model for the magnetic field in the Crab Nebula (equivalently, the spheromak field of plasma physics) is the unique energyminimizing divergence-free vector field of given nonzero helicity, defined on and tangent to the boundary of a round ball, and that the essential features of this energy-minimizing field persist even as the domain changes topological type. We will also see that when volume-preserving deformation of domain is permitted, the spheromak field is not the absolute energy-minimizing field with given helicity; instead, the round ball on which it is defined can be dimpled in at the poles and expanded out at the equator to further decrease the field energy while preserving helicity. Our numerical computations suggest that this volume-preserving, helicity-preserving, energy-decreasing deformation of domain and field converges to a singular domain, in which the north and south poles have been pressed together at the center, along with a corresponding singular field.
Two fundamental problemsWe organize this report by focusing on two fundamental problems:1. Minimize energy among all divergence-free vector fields of given nonzero helicity, defined on and tangent to the boundary of a given domain.2. Find the above minimum over all domains of given volume.Such energy-minimizing vector fields provide models for stable force-free magnetic fields in gaseous nebulae and laboratory plasmas, while the search for them seems to bring out some of the deepest and most useful mathematics connected with helicity.
Helicity and writhing numberThe helicity H(V ) of a smooth (meaning C ∞ ) vector field V on the domain Ω in 3-space, defined by the