to a larger number of layers approaching the 3D bulk material properties. [11,14] They offer controlled light confinement and large tailorability of their optical properties due to their thickness-dependent localized surface plasmon (SP) modes. [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] The strong vertical quantum confinement makes these modes distinct from those of conventional thin films commonly described either by 2D or by 3D material properties with boundary conditions on their top and bottom interfaces. [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29] Their properties can be understood in terms of the confinement-induced nonlocal Drude electromagnetic (EM) response theory proposed [15] and verified both experimentally [10,30] and computationally [3,31] recently. The EM response nonlocality was earlier reported experimentally to be a remarkable intrinsic property of quantum-confined metallic nanostructures. [32,33] It is this nonlocality that enables a variety of new quantum phenomena in ultrathin TD plasmonic film systems, including the thickness-controlled plasma frequency red shift, [10,15] the low-temperature plasma frequency dropoff, [30] the SP mode degeneracy lifting, [14,34] a series of quantum-optical [13] and nonlocal magneto-optical effects, [16] as well as quantum electronic transitions that are normally forbidden. [12,35,36] The confinement-induced nonlocal Drude EM response theory is built on the Keldysh-Rytova (KR) pairwise electron interaction potential [15] (and so referred to as the KR model in what follows for brevity). The KR interaction potential takes into account the vertical electron confinement due to the presence of substrate and superstrate materials with dielectric permittivities much less than that of the film. [37,38] For ultrathin films the KR potential is much stronger than the Coulomb interaction potential. [37] It turns into the Coulomb potential with film thickness increase, suggesting the film thickness as a parameter to control the nonlocal optical response of TD materials. The nonlocal KR model is unique in that it covers the entire thickness range from atomically thin films to conventional films of the order of a few optical wavelengths in thickness. [10,14] We perform a comparative study of the far-field and near-field heat transfer processes in the metallic TD film systems using the nonlocal KR model and the standard local Drude EM response model (a 'workhorse' routinely used in plasmonics). We show that the nonlocal KR model results in the greater Woltersdorff length (the film thickness at which its thermal emission is maximal) in the far-field regime and predicts larger film thicknesses at which the near-field heat transfer starts being dominated by surface plasmons, as compared to those resulted from A confinement-induced nonlocal electromagnetic response model is applied to study radiative heat transfer processes in transdimensional plasmonic film systems. The results are compared to the standard local Drude model routinely used in plasmonics. The former predicts greater Woltersdor...