and measuring thin-film thickness at the nanoscale
during dynamic evolution has been an open challenge for long term.
Here, a joint-imaging method and the thereof innovative procedure
are presented for merging digital holography (DH) and white light
colorimetric interferometry (WLCI) measurement data in a single intelligent
tool. This approach allows a complete quantitative study of the dynamic
evolution of freestanding thin films under high spatial resolution
and full-field modality over a large area. By merging interferometric
and holographic fringes, it is possible to overcome the lack of DH
in thickness measurements of ultrathin layers, providing a reliable
reference for full-field quantitative mapping of the whole film with
interferometric accuracy. Thanks to the proposed approach, the time-related
and concentration-related evolution of surfactant film thickness can
be studied. The thickness distribution curves reveal the small changes
in the film thickness with time and concentration. The reported tool
opens a route for comprehending deeply the physics behind the behavior
of freestanding thin liquid films as it provides an in situ, continuous
monitoring of film formation and dynamic evolution without limits
of thickness range and in full-field mode. This can be of fundamental
importance to many fields of applications, such as fluids, polymers,
biotechnology, bottom-up fabrication, etc.