The metal films are widely used in the Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) experiments to obtain the radiation opacity, and the accuracy of the measuring results mainly depends on the accuracy of the film thickness and thickness uniformity. The traditional used measuring methods all have various disadvantages, the optical method and stylus method cannot provide mass thickness which reflects the internal density distribution of the films, and the weighing method cannot provide the uniformity of the thickness distribution. This paper describes a new method which combines the α-particle energy loss (AEL) method and the successive scanning measurements to obtain the film thickness and thickness uniformity. The measuring system was partly installed in the vacuum chamber, and the relationship of chamber pressure and energy loss caused by the residual air in the vacuum chamber was studied for the source-to-detector distance ranging from 1 to 5 cm. The results show that the chamber pressure should be less than 10 Pa for the present measuring system. In the process of measurement, the energy spectrum of α-particles transmitted through each different measuring point were obtained, and then recorded automatically by a self-developed multi-channel analysis software. At the same time, the central channel numbers of the spectrum (CH) were also saved in a text form document. In order to realize the automation of data processing and represent the thickness uniformity visually in a graphic 3D plot, a software package was developed to convert the CH values into film thickness and thickness uniformity. The results obtained in this paper make the film thickness uniformity measurements more accurate and efficient in the ICF experiments.
K: Analysis and statistical methods; Data processing methods; Spectrometers 1Corresponding author.