Abstract-A novel method for further wideband RCS reduction on metasurface (MS) is proposed in this paper. By introducing a phasor interference element to the original MS composed of two elements, RCS of the proposed MS constructed by three elements can be further remarkably decreased in broadband. The measurement procedure on scattering performances of samples is conducted in an anechoic chamber, in which the experimental results indicate that the proposed MS can achieve further 3-dB RCS reduction from 6.94 GHz to 15.35 GHz compared to the original MS, and the maximum further reduction reaches 24.9 dB. As a result, compared with a same-size metallic plate illuminated by a normal plane wave, RCS of the proposed MS can be reduced by more than 8.5-dB from 6.68 GHz to 15.38 GHz with the relative bandwidth of 78.9%.