go.warwick.ac.uk/lib-publicationsOriginal citation: Kolotkov, D. Y., Vasko, I. Y. and Nakariakov, V. M.. (2015) Kinetic model of force-free current sheets with non-uniform temperature. Physics of Plasmas, 22 (11). 112902.
Permanent WRAP URL:http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/78634
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A note on versions:The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. The kinetic model of a one-dimensional force-free current sheet (CS) developed recently by M. Harrison and T. Neukirch (Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 6, 2009) predicts uniform distributions of the plasma temperature and density across the CS. However, in realistic physical systems inhomogeneities of these plasma parameters may arise quite naturally due to the boundary conditions or local plasma heating. Moreover, as the CS spatial scale becomes larger than the characteristic kinetic scales (the regime often referred to as the MHD limit) it should be possible to set arbitrary density and temperature profiles. Thus, an advanced model has to allow for inhomogeneities of the macroscopic plasma parameters across the CS, to be consistent with the MHD limit. In this paper we generalise the kinetic model of a force-free current sheet, taking into account the inhomogeneity of the density and temperature across the CS. In the developed model the density may either be enhanced or depleted in the CS central region. The temperature profile is prescribed by the density profile, keeping the plasma pressure uniform across the CS. All macroscopic parameters, as well as the distribution functions for the protons and electrons, are determined analytically. Applications of the developed model to current sheets observed in space plasmas are discussed.