application demands in different aspects, such as information communications, national defenses, security and sensing, and energy utilizations. A key scientific issue, commonly requested in all those applications, is how to efficiently control EM waves at will based on devices/systems with physical sizes as miniaturized as possible. Conventional devices (such as lens, mirror, polarizer, etc.) to control EM waves are made by naturally existing dielectric materials. However, since these materials possess very limited variation range of permittivity, conventional devices typically exhibit bulky sizes and curved shapes to ensure enough propagating phases accumulated to achieve certain functionality. In addition, conventional devices do not necessarily exhibit high working efficiencies, due to the impedance-mismatch issues caused by lacking magnetic responses in natural materials.Metamaterials (MTMs), 3D artificial materials composed by array of subwavelength microstructures (e.g., "metaatoms") with tailored EM responses, provide the possibility to solve the above grand challenges. Through careful structural tuning, MTMs can in principle be designed to exhibit arbitrary values of permittivity ε and permeability μ, and thus they exhibit significantly strengthened capabilities to control EM waves, generating many fascinating wave-manipulation effects not achievable with naturally existing materials. [1][2][3][4][5][6] However, despite of great successes already achieved, applications of the new concepts proposed based on 3D MTMs are hampered by the device sizes, losses in metallic structures, and fabrication challenges of complex 3D MTM structures.Metasurfaces are probably the best candidate to solve the issues of 3D MTMs. Simply speaking, metasurfaces can be viewed as the 2D version of MTMs, which are constructed by planar meta-atoms with purposely selected EM responses arranged in some specific orders. However, the working principles of metasurfaces are quite different from that of 3D MTMs in controlling EM waves. Whereas typically 3D MTMs still reply on manipulating the propagating phases inside the bulk media to realize certain wave-control effects, metasurfaces largely utilize the abrupt phase changes on the structure surfaces for transmitted or reflected waves. In general, tailoring the spatial inhomogeneity of metasurfaces to make them exhibit certain predetermined phase distributions for transmitted or reflected wave, one can use them to efficiently reshape the wave-fronts of Metasurfaces are planar metamaterials exhibiting certain inhomogeneous phase distributions for transmitted or reflected waves, which can efficiently reshape the wave-fronts of incident beams in desired manners based on the Huygens principle. Due to their exotic abilities to freely manipulate electromagnetic (EM) waves on a flat and ultrathin platform, metasurfaces have attracted intensive attention recently, resulting in numerous new concepts and effects that could possibly find applications in many different aspects. In this article, the k...