system and by taking its place among 21 st century skills, took its place amidst competencies that both teachers and students should have. Especially teachers, who are the basic factor of the education system, should have these skills because these are very important in terms of the efficiency and effectiveness of the education. Based on this statement, it was tried to determine information and communications technology competency and computational thinking skills of pre-service teachers, who is going to build future. Likewise, in this study, it has been tried to determine whether there is a significant relationship between information and communication technologies competencies and computational thinking skills of pre-service teachers. It was also investigated whether there is a significant difference in pre-service teachers' ICT competencies and CT skills in terms of variables such as gender, department, computer hardware knowledge and computer software knowledge. A sample population of 365 pre-service teachers has been determined via random sampling method among students in Trakya University Faculty of Education. Data were collected using the "Preservice Teacher's Information and Communication Technology Competencies Scale" and "Computational Thinking Scale". According to the findings of the research, it was discovered that the group of pre-service teachers had a "sufficient" degree of Information and communication Technologies competencies, while their computational thinking skill were "mid-level". However, it was also established that a weak level, statistically meaningful positive correlation exists between pre-service teachers' ICT competencies and CT skills. Also in the research, while there was no significant relationship between the ICT competencies of the pre-service teachers and the gender variable, a significant relationship between the ICT competencies of the pre-service teachers and variables of department, computer hardware knowledge, computer software knowledge variables. The study also revealed that there was a significant relationship between the variables of CT skills and variables of gender, department, computer hardware knowledge, and computer software knowledge.