When we were first invited to write on Ranjan Ghosh and J. Hillis Miller's coauthored Thinking Literature across Continents, we thought a book that "juxtaposes views of literature by two scholars" 1 might merit its own juxtaposed views in turn. This forum, of course, offers just such a juxtaposition, but in what follows, we attempt something additional. We take up Ghosh's aspiration that the "book's being [be] its becoming" 2 by writing ourselves into it, by becoming implicated "in the across." 3 For us, the most adequate response to Ghosh-Miller's book "about enacting a communication" 4 has been to (re)enact a communication, to dialogue in response to a dialogue, to take up what Ghosh and Miller perform as "thinking across continents" by thinking across in turn, here across generations. Thinking Literature across Continents unfolds in five sections on "The Matter and Mattering of Literature," "Poem and Poetry," "Literature and the World," "Teaching Literature," and "Ethics and Literature." In each section, each author has his say (first Ghosh, then Miller, always in that order). Our sections do not correspond exactly to those in Thinking Literature Across Continents (TLAC), but they attempt to take up their primary themes. They are respectively marked with our initials (RTS: Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan; RR: R. Radhakrishnan), but it is fair to say that we are both here, throughout: "Our positions and transpositions belong to us and to the other." 5 I. RTS: Intentions