Since its inception in 1987, Discursive Psychology (DP) has developed both methodologically, for instance by drawing closer to Conversation Analysis, and theoretically, by building a body of knowledge which outlines the discursive accomplishment of mind-world relations. One of DP's contributions to psychology consists in the respecification of mainstream topics (like attitudes, identity, memory, and emotions). This editorial outlines the meta-theoretical underpinnings of DP's respecification programme. The empirical studies comprised in this special issue showcase state-of-the art discursive psychological research that respecifies core psychological topics: attitudes, persuasion, emotions, agency, personality, uncertainty, and socialisation. The editorial also delineates the place of DP within contemporary psychological science and reviews DP's theoretical and methodological contributions to key matters including open science, research ethics, and integrity and rigour in qualitative research. The special issue concludes with an insightful commentary by Sally Wiggins on DP's relationship with mainstream psychology.