Deep drawing is part of forming process in which sheet metal drawn into die cavity by action of a punch. So, due to action of punch desired shape can be achieved. For reduce various defects in deep drawing process it is essential to control or vary physical and geometric parameters of deep drawing process. Sheet-metal drawing is a more complex operation than cutting or bending, and more things can go wrong. A number of defects can occur in a drawn product. It is essential to reduce otherwise production cost is simultaneously increased. A blank holding force, punch force, material property of sheet metal, thickness of sheet, velocity of punch, these are all affecting parameters in deep drawing process to regulate wrinkling effect, tearing effect and fracture defect. Nowadays composite material is extensively used in manufacturing industries due to its better strength. Therefore with the help of experimental and simulation tools investigation of stress and strain distributions in the deep drawn cup were also done and the Finite element results can predict the same place of tearing and wrinkling error for bimetal cup as occurred in experimental tests.