ElsevierGualberto-Fernandes, TJ.; Campo García, ADD.; Herrera Fernandez, R.; Molina Herrera, A. (2016). Simultaneous assessment, through sap flow and stable isotopes, of water use efficiency (WUE) In water-limited regions, adaptive management of forest and water relationships has been put 17 forward, to implement hydrology-oriented silviculture to reduce stand evapotranspiration and, 18 at the tree level, to improve growth and water use efficiency (WUE). The main goal of this 19 study was to evaluate the effect of thinning in the short and medium term on tree growth, 20 climate (drought) sensitivity, WUE performed using growth and sap flow measurements and 21WUEi performed using δ increased growth, but also changed the tree growth-precipitation relationships, with C trees 27 depending more on precipitation than thinned trees did. WUEi after thinning was significantly 28 affected only in the medium term, with C trees being more efficient (94.4 μmolCO2/molH2O) 29 than H98 trees (88.7), especially in dry spells (100.7). WUEi was found to increase when 30 precipitation decreased, regardless of the treatment. However, WUE increased sharply from C 31 was not consistent with our experimental data. Thus, the question of whether stable isotopes 37 can be used as a tool for addressing the ecophysiological impacts of thinning remains open. 38