After a collaborative and uninterrupted work, the UPS has continued to improve one more year as a Research University, and has gone from the position 6,611 in the world and 13 in Ecuador (Webometrics, 2013) to the position 2627 (Webometrics, 2020) worldwide, it is the 170 on the continent and 7 in Ecuador. The continuous improvement of all teams and the strategic vision have made progress in the World Ranking, allowing to go to 3984 positions in 7 years and 366 new positions compared to 2019. Within this global strategy of improvement of the UPS as a Research University, LA GRANJA, belonging to the area of Life Sciences, was the first university publication of Ecuador to be included in SCOPUS, Elsevier publishing house and indexed in the Emerging Source Citation Index of the Web of Science (WOS). This edition presents articles by authors from 5 countries and 16 Universities and Research Centers. We started this number 31 with the topic of weather monitoring, in an effort between the Sciences Department of Environmental Systems of Switzerland and Universidad de Cuenca, led by Dr. Ryan Padrón and his excellent team. In addition, researchers from Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, led by Teófilos Toulkeridis, analyze the problem of perceptions in the important and current topic of Climate Change.