Carbon-Carbon bond forming reactions are ubiquitous in nature and important for chemical and drug synthesis. Modern methods mostly utilize activated reactants, and despite recent developments in organic synthesis, and theoretical understanding, these have had limited success with unactivated CÀ H bonds. Here we apply a simple yet powerful Bond Dissociation Energy (BDE)-based Reaction Enthalpy (BDERE) analysis to model CÀ C cross-coupling reactions. BDERE appears in classical textbooks (halogenation of alkanes) but has not been applied to cross-coupling reactions. BDERE allows one to rationalize the ease of coupling reactions for both homolytic and heterolytic mechanisms for all six CÀ C bond hybridization types. It facilitates the identification of a simple but unexplored reaction for ethane synthesis. BDERE values give valuable insights into recent advancements in CÀ C cross-couplings of fully unfunctionalized (UFCC) and semi-functionalized (SFCC) reactants that utilize metal, photoredox, organo, and biocatalysis. BDERE analysis may enable others to investigate and design novel cross-coupling reactions.