An all-diode-pumped, multistage Nd:YAG amplifier is investigated as a means of extending the duration of high-power, burst-mode laser pulse sequences to an unprecedented 30 ms or more. The laser generates 120 mJ per pulse at 1064.3 nm with a repetition rate of 10 kHz, which is sufficient for a wide range of planar laser diagnostics based on fluorescence, Raman scattering, and Rayleigh scattering, among others. The utility of the technique is evaluated for image sequences of formaldehyde fluorescence in a lifted methane-air diffusion flame. The advantages and limitations of diode pumping are discussed, along with long-pulse diode-bar performance characteristics to guide future designs.
Keywordsfluorescence, laser diagnostics, methane, Q switched lasers, diode-pumping, future designs, image sequence, laser pulse sequences, long pulse, methane-air diffusion flames, performance characteristics, planar imaging
Mechanical Engineering
CommentsThis article is from Optics Express 21 (2013) Abstract: An all-diode-pumped, multistage Nd:YAG amplifier is investigated as a means of extending the duration of high-power, burstmode laser pulse sequences to an unprecedented 30 ms or more. The laser generates 120 mJ per pulse at 1064.3 nm with a repetition rate of 10 kHz, which is sufficient for a wide range of planar laser diagnostics based on fluorescence, Raman scattering, and Rayleigh scattering, among others. The utility of the technique is evaluated for image sequences of formaldehyde fluorescence in a lifted methane-air diffusion flame. The advantages and limitations of diode pumping are discussed, along with long-pulse diode-bar performance characteristics to guide future designs.