Abstract. Kyiv is ancient city with a unique history. A huge role in its development the temples have played [19]. Down to ХХ of century they influenced formation of city structure, appearance of building, general impression from urban environment and life of the population.In ХХ century the most part of temples was destroyed, the ancient town-planning structure is destroyed too [3]. But the historical past continues to influence life of modern Kyiv today.In a history of Kyiv it is possible to allocate three periods, which differently formed a religious situation in life of the city and process of temples construction. The period Kyivan Rus was characterized by intensive town-planning activity and construction of temples. In the Polish-Lithuanian period the building activity was less active. During conquest by the Russian empire the active construction of temples has brought new styles and types of temples into Kyiv [12,13].Generally such different history of Kyiv has resulted in formation of specific types of sacral objects and urban environment, in which they located down. In the combination with the peculiarities of natural environment, rich events of the past have created that unique look of Kyiv, which many contemporaries admired with [2].