We propose a numerical method to evaluate the performance of the emerging Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts (GSR) change-point detection procedure in a "minimax-ish" multi-cyclic setup where the procedure of choice is applied repetitively (cyclically) and the change is assumed to take place at an unknown time moment in a distant-future stationary regime. Specifically, the proposed method is based on the integral-equations approach and uses the collocation technique with the basis functions chosen so as to exploit a certain change-of-measure identity and the GSR detection statistic's unique martingale property. As a result, the method's accuracy and robustness improve, as does its efficiency since using the change-of-measure ploy the Average Run Length (ARL) to false alarm and the Stationary Average Detection Delay (STADD) are computed simultaneously.We show that the method's rate of convergence is quadratic and supply a tight upperbound on its error. We conclude with a case study and confirm experimentally that the proposed method's accuracy and rate of convergence are robust with respect to three factors:a) partition fineness (coarse vs. fine), b) change magnitude (faint vs. contrast), and c) the level of the ARL to false alarm (low vs. high). Since the method is designed not restricted to a particular data distribution or to a specific value of the GSR detection statistic's headstart, this work may help gain greater insight into the * Address correspondence to A.S. Polunchenko, characteristics of the GSR procedure and aid a practitioner to design the GSR procedure as needed while fully utilizing its potential.
Keywords:Sequential analysis, Sequential change-point detection, Shiryaev-Roberts procedure, Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts procedure
IntroductionSequential (quickest) change-point detection is concerned with the design and analysis of statistical machinery for "on-the-go" detection of unanticipated changes that may occur in the characteristics of a ongoing (random) process. Specifically, the process is assumed to be continuously monitored through sequentially made observations (e.g., measurements), and should their behavior suggest the process may have statistically changed, the aim is to conclude so within the fewest observations possible, subject to a tolerable level of the false detection risk [1-3]. The subject's areas of application are diverse and virtually unlimited, and include industrial quality and process control [4-8], biostatistics, economics, seismology [2], forensics, navigation [2], cybersecurity [9-12], communication systems [2], and many more. A sequential change-point detection procedure-a rule whereby one stops and declares that (apparently) a change is in effect-is defined as a stopping time, T , that is adapted to the observed data, {X n } n 1 .This work's focus is on the multi-cyclic change-point detection problem. It was first addressed in [13,14] in continuous time; see also, e.g., [15,16]. We consider the basic discrete-time case [17,18] which assumes the observations are independent t...