We demonstrate that our model [Phys.Rev. E91, 032312 (2015] serves as a useful tool to trace the evolution of equilibrium configurations of one-component charged particles confined in a disk.Our approach reduces significantly the computational effort in minimizing the energy of equilibrium configurations and demonstrates a remarkable agreement with the values provided by molecular dynamics calculations. We show that the comment misrepresents our paper, and fails to provide plausible arguments against the formation hexagonal structure for n ≥ 200 in molecular dynamics calculations. PACS numbers: 64.70.kp,64.75.Yz,02.20 Hereafter, for the sake of convenience we refer to our model as the circular model (CM).We agree with the author that his possible global MD minimum is better than our estimate for the particular case N = 395. However, this is not enough to conclude that the CM can not help to reduce substantially the computational effort in MD or simulated annealing (SA)calculations for the following reasons.1. From the Monte Carlo and MD calculations, even for a relatively small number of charged particles, it follows that the amount of stable configurations grows very rapidly with the number of particles. Sometimes, metastable states with lower (or higher) symmetry are found with much higher probability than the true ground state. This fact was confirmed by the author who "generated 3001 configurations ..." to get just one instance of the improved E MIN = 110664.44 new tentative ground state, with our prediction for the particle number at the boundary ring: "... Np = 147 charges are disposed on the border of the disk, in agreement with Ref.1". Evidently, in contrast to his claim, Amore has confirmed the usefulness of the CM.Indeed, the particle number on the boundary ring N p is one of the key elements for any calculation, since once it is defined, it is necessary to simulate less various configurations (with a number of charges N − N p ). We recall thatwhere p is a number of rings, and N is a total number of charges.In fact, external ring occupations are extremely well predicted with some occasional ±1 mismatch by means of the expression. It is noteworthy that these expressions are obtained from the systematic CM 2 results.2. In our publication [1], in order to obtain our estimate of the MD ground state E MD , we generated only 100 configurations with the boundary ring N p=9 = 147 charges, where the internal charges were randomly distributed. As a result, we have obtained.44. Note, however, that the disagreement between the author's new result and our model prediction E CM is still less than 3 × 10 −3 % (as we stated in our paper it is 2 × 10 −3 %). Moreover, the occupations for the external (approximately circular) shells are quite accurately predicted within CM for any N . In the case of N = 395 we have obtained (147, 65, 50, 40), while the analysis of the Amore's MD ground state yields (147, 66, 51, 40). This comparison suggests that the effectivity of the CM prediction might be improved if the seco...