Oesophageal duplication cysts are a rare congenital anomaly of the foregut which usually present in infancy with respiratory symptoms, recurrent pneumonia and feeding difficulty. Other presenting symptoms depend on the location of the cyst and can include dysphagia, chest pain, arrhythmias and features of mediastinal compression. Treatment is usually surgical resection, recommended for complete resolution of symptoms, histological diagnosis and exclusion of malignancy. Here, we present a case of infected oesophageal duplication cyst which presents as a neck lump in a 43-year-old female with a background of Goltz syndrome, azygos fissure and congenital aortic stenosis. Surgical resection was decided against owing to the patient's high risk secondary to co-morbidities and instead ultrasound guided drainage was carried out successfully. The patient was symptom free and well at 1-year follow-up. Oesophageal duplication is an unusual presentation of a neck lump in an adult and whilst the usual treatment is surgical resection, we present here a case treated in an entirely different manner.