Many alkaloid drugs used as analgesics activate multiple opioid receptors. Mechanisms that distinguish the actions of these drugs on the regulation of individual , ␦, and receptors are not understood. We have observed that individual cloned opioid receptors differ significantly in their regulation by rapid endocytosis in the presence of alkaloid drug etorphine, a potent agonist of , ␦, and opioid receptors. Internalization of epitopetagged ␦ opioid receptors from the plasma membrane is detectable within 10 min in the presence of etorphine. In contrast, receptors expressed in the same cells remain in the plasma membrane and are not internalized for >60 min, even when cells are exposed to saturating concentrations of etorphine. The rapid internalization of ␦ receptors is specifically inhibited in cells expressing K44E mutant dynamin I, suggesting that type-specific internalization of opioid receptors is mediated by clathrin-coated pits. Examination of a series of chimeric mutant /␦ receptors indicates that at least two receptor domains, including the highly divergent carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic tail, determine the type specificity of this endocytic mechanism. We conclude that structurally homologous opioid receptors are differentially sorted by clathrin-mediated endocytosis following activation by the same agonist ligand. These studies identify a fundamental mechanism of receptor regulation mediating type-specific effects of analgesic drugs that activate more than one type of opioid receptor.Structurally homologous -, ␦-, and -type opioid receptors are conserved in mammals and signal via similar heterotrimeric G proteins (1-3). These receptors are activated both by endogenously expressed opioid peptides and by structurally distinct alkaloid agonists, which are clinically important analgesics and drugs of abuse (4). Although many alkaloid analgesics activate more than one type of opioid receptor at clinically relevant concentrations, significant differences in the regulation of ␦, , and receptor-mediated processes by individual agonists have been observed (5-7). Molecular mechanisms underlying this functional specificity, even in the presence of relatively nonselective opiate drugs, are not understood. We have identified a mechanism of receptor regulation that mediates type-specific regulation of opioid receptors following activation by the same alkaloid agonist.Previous studies have identified multiple processes that regulate opioid receptors. Ligand-dependent phosphorylation of cytoplasmic residues is thought to modulate the functional activity of opioid receptors within minutes after activation (8, 9). Agonist-induced down-regulation, which is associated with a gradual translocation of receptors from the plasma membrane to lysosomes, occurs over a more prolonged time course (10 -12). A distinguishable rapid endocytic process, which occurs within several minutes after receptor activation and is not associated with degradation of receptors, has been shown recently to regulate ␦ and opioid receptors (13-15). Indi...