VVe calculated the two-and three-body enhancement factors x2 and x3 of the dipole sum rule of the triton, arising, respectively, from the two-and three-body interactions. %e performed consistent calculations taking the same interactions for the triton wave function and for the sum rule. The magnitudes of x2 and x3 are of the order of 0.80-0.86 and 0.03-0.04, respectively. The calculated integrated cross section and the bremsstrahlung-weighted cross section are linearly correlated to the calculated triton binding energy.After much effort in few-nucleon physics, the importance of the three-body force effect has been well recognized not only for the triton binding energy [1-4],but also for low-energy physical quantities, such as the asymptotic normalization constant [5] and the charge radius [4] of the triton, through linear relationships between these quantities and the binding energy. In addition to the static three-body force effect, the importance of the threebody exchange mechanisms in the He(y, p) H reaction [6] has been pointed out together with the three-body final-state interaction [7]. With this background, we intend to study the three-body current effect in the present paper. For this purpose, we have chosen the triton dipole photoabsorption, because its energy-integrated cross section is free from the final-state interaction. We calculate the integrated cross section (crp) of the triton electric dipole photoabsorption, i.e. , ThomasReiche-Kuhn (TRK) sum rule [8], H =EC+ V+8'. (2) Denoting the nucleon mass by M, and defining the dipole operator D, bywhere H is the total Hamiltonian, expressed as a sum of the kinetic-energy operator K and the two-and threenucleon interactions V and 8'. TABLE I. The results of the triton sum rules. The first column shows the interactions used for calculating the wave functions and the sum rules. TM 700 (800) means the pion cutoff mass is taken to be 700 (800) MeV for the TM three-body force. %ave function Channel BE (MeV) oo (mbMeV)