B1336 KIM, KIRSCH, AND MILLERTABLE I. Values of K°-K~ mass difference for individual events. Event number 309 941 309 691 359 964 368 562 372 533 372 823 487 277 K Q -K~ Weighted average mass difference (MeV) 5.37±1.12 3.60db0.69 2.44±3.13 3.92±0.64 4.08±1.12 3.95±1.24 2.25±0.87 A = 3.71±0.35 (MeV) average is A=3.71±0.35 MeV. Combining this result with the assumed value 2 of the Kr mass m*-=493.8zb0.15MeVgives m^=497.51±0.41 MeV. The determination of the mass from these events depends upon the Kr and pion momenta. Since both the p and K~ exposures were made in the same chamber, the momenta were corrected in the same manner as discussed in Sec. II. The 0.1% momentum uncertainty results in less than 0.01-MeV change in the K° mass. 2 P. Schmidt, preceding paper, Phys. Rev. 140, B1328 (1965.The proton momentum is determined from a rangemomentum table which has a scale factor known to 0.5%. The mass change due to this uncertainty is 0.03 MeV.Both of our results are in agreement with the values of the mass obtained by Burnstein and Rubin, 3 m^o =497.70±0.32 MeV, and the value given in the compilation by Rosenfeld et al.* wx<>=498.0zh0.5 MeV. The weighted average of these four values is m#° = 497.62±0.18MeV.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe would like to thank Professor J. Steinberger and Professor P. Franzini for many helpful discussions. We would also like to thank R. Goldberg for his assistance in the calibration of measurement errors. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help of Dr. A. Prodell and of the 30-in. hydrogen-bubble-chamber operating crew. The assistance of the AGS staff is also greatly appreciated.3 R. A. Burnstein and H. A. Rubin, Phys. Rev. 138, B895 From the four-particle Lippmann-Schwinger equation a set of equations of the Faddeev type with properly connected kernels has been obtained. The kernels contain only the two-and three-particle scattering amplitudes, and do not involve the potentials.