Abstract. Three interacting particles form a system which is well known for its complex physical behavior. A landmark theoretical result in few-body quantum physics is Efimov's prediction of a universal set of weakly bound trimer states appearing for three identical bosons with a resonant two-body interaction [1,2]. Surprisingly, these states even exist in the absence of a corresponding two-body bound state and their precise nature is largely independent of the particular type of the two-body interaction potential. Efimov's scenario has attracted great interest in many areas of physics; an experimental test however has not been achieved. We report the observation of an Efimov resonance in an ultracold thermal gas of cesium atoms [3]. The resonance occurs in the range of large negative two-body scattering lengths and arises from the coupling of three free atoms to an Efimov trimer. We observe its signature as a giant three-body recombination loss when the strength of the two-body interaction is varied near a Feshbach resonance. This resonance develops into a continuum resonance at non-zero collision energies, and we observe a shift of the resonance position as a function of temperature. We also report on a minimum in the recombination loss for positive scattering lengths, indicating destructive interference of decay pathways. Our results confirm central theoretical predictions of Efimov physics and represent a starting point from which to explore the universal properties of resonantly interacting few-body systems. Efimov's treatment of three identical bosons [1,2] is closely linked to the concept of universality [4] in systems with a resonant two-body interaction, where the s-wave scattering length a fully characterizes the two-body physics. When |a| greatly exceeds the characteristic range ℓ of the two-body interaction potential, details of the short-range interaction become irrelevant because of the long-range nature of the wave function. Universality then leads to a generic behavior in three-body physics, reflected in the energy spectrum of weakly bound Efimov trimer states. Up to now, in spite of their great fundamental importance, these states could not be observed experimentally. An observation in the realm of nuclear physics, as originally proposed by Efimov, is hampered by the presence of the Coulomb interaction, and only two-neutron halo systems with a spinless core are likely to feature Efimov states [5]. In molecular physics, the helium trimer [6] is predicted to have an excited state with Efimov character [7]. The existence of this state could so far not be confirmed [8]. A different approach to experimentally study the physics of Efimov states is based on the unique properties of ultracold atomic