The parity-violating (PV) nucleon-nucleon (NN ) interaction in the three-nucleon system is investigated using pionless effective field theory (EFT(/ π)). This work shows that a next-to-leading order (NLO) PV three-body force is necessary in contradiction with a previous claim [1]. Including three-body P to D-wave transitions PV three-nucleon observables are calculated to higher energies than previously considered. Using the recent large-N C analysis of the PV NN interaction in EFT(/ π) the current understanding of low energy PV few-body measurements is reassessed. The recent measurement of the asymmetry A γ in np → dγ from the NPDGamma collaboration [2] gives the value g (N −1 C ) 4 * arXiv:1809.10740v2 [nucl-th] 12 May 2019 PV PV PV PV PV PC PC PC PC PV FIG. 2. Coupled integral equations for the LO PV scattering amplitude. The green box represents an insertion of a two-body PV LEC and the yellow oval the LO PV scattering amplitude. Some diagrams only exist in certain channels with the LO three-body force only existing if the outgoing partial wave is 2 S1 /2 . the integral equation t PV J L S ,LS 1 2 1 −1 1 1 K PV J L S ,LS (k, p, E) t PV J LS,L S (k, q, E) T ⊗ D NLO (E, q) t PC J LS,LS (k, q, E) + t PC J L S ,L S (k, q, E) T ⊗ D NLO (E, q) t PV J L S ,LS (k, q, E)