Three-Component Reactions of Tetranitromethane with Olefins. -The reaction of tetranitromethane with two different olefins provides access to dinitroisoxazolidine derivatives in moderate yields. Key feature of the reaction is the use of a tri-or tetra--substituted olefin with a nucleophilic C-C double bond in the first step, which is able to react with tetranitromethane (II) to give a nitronic ester that is a poor 1,3-dipolarophile for the cyclization step. Good results are achieved with bicyclobutylidene (I) and 1-substituted cycloalkenes while dimethylbutene (XV) is less suitable. A wide range of olefins including electron-rich or electron-poor olefins can be used in the second step for the cyclization. Mixtures of diastereomers are obtained in most cases due to hindered rotation around the nitrogen. -(AVERINA, E. B.; BUDYNINA, E. M.; IVANOVA, O. A.; GRISHIN, Y. K.; GERDOV, S. M.; KUZNETSOVA, T. S.; ZEFIROV, N. S.; Russ.