A new grain topology-size relationship in three-dimensional (3D) polycrystalline microstructures has recently been established by considering the effects of non-random first nearest neighbor grains. In this contribution, a generalized form for this relationship is presented by considering the interactions of kth (k=1, 2, 3…) nearest neighbor grains, and large scale Monte Carlo-Potts model simulation is used to investigate the general neighborhood topological effect on the topology-size relationship. The results show that, unlike their first nearest neighbors (k=1), the topological correlations of 3D grains with their kth layers (k2) of nearest-neighbors may have trivial effect on the topology-size relationship. Many macroscopic properties such as mechanical, thermal, magnetic and conductive properties of the material can be directly linked to microstructure; therefore, it is very important to predict the grain microstructure and its evolution [1][2][3][4]. The size and the shape of grains and their spatial correlation are likely to play a significant role in the microstructural evolution. Therefore, the grain topology-size relationship is of fundamental importance for a better understanding of polycrystalline materials. In 1985, by applying the methods of statistical mechanics to the structure of random, space-filling cellular structures, Rivier [5] revealed that the maximum entropy inference under a few constraints yields structural equations of state, relating the topology of cells to their size. These equations of state are namely Perimeter law (for metallurgical grains) and Lewis's law (for ideal soap froths). According to Perimeter law, the average radius of grains is proportional to the number of their edges. While, in three dimensions (3D), a parabolic relationship exists between the grain size and grain topology. DeHoff and Liu [6] have proposed a linear relationship between the number of grain faces and the mean tangent diameter of individual grains in 3D. Thereafter, Abbruzzese and Compopiano [7] and Thorvaldsen [8] proposed two independent forms of quadratic relationships between the number of grain faces and the sphere-equivalent radius of grains in 3D. The DeHoff-Liu's linear model has been verified experimentally by Liu et al. [9] and strongly recommended it when the mean tangent diameter is used for grain size. Meanwhile, Abbruzzese-Compopiano's quadratic model [7] also agrees well with the experimental results of Liu et al. [9] when the sphere equivalent radius is used for grain size instead of mean tangent diameter. The Abbruzzese-Compopiano's [7] and Thorvaldsen's [8] quadratic models are also consistent with the experimental results of -titanium