This chapter presents basic information on the production of braids with a solid square cross-section and with certain other, more complex forms using the maypole braiding technique, and on their application. Gaskets are a classic area of application for such braids, while recent ideas and research indicate an increasing interest in applying square braids as reinforcement in composite beam structures.The following sections introduce the types of square braids used for gaskets, covering two-, three-, and four-track systems with different carrier arrangements. New developments in horn gears with variable tracks are then discussed and some of these tracks are described. Finally, there is an overview of some ideas, most of them patented, concerning the production of more complex maypole braiding structures.Excluded from this discussion are tubular and fl at cross-sectional forms, while the technique of 3D maypole braiding (known as rotary or two-step braiding), because of its complexity, will be the subject of several chapters in a future publication.