Tsunoda A, Komatsuzaki A, Suzuki Y, Muraoka H. Three-dimensional imaging of the internal auditory canal in patients with acoustic neuroma. Acta Otolaryngol 2000; Suppl 542: 6 -8.Three-dimensional imaging of the internal auditory canal (IAC) was carried out in 21 patients with acoustic neuromas using helical computed tomography. The IAC was widened in 20 patients, but no irregularities of the canal walls were seen. In addition, the shape of the enlarged IAC corresponded to that of the tumor on magnetic resonance imaging. The data suggest that widening of the IAC in acoustic neuroma patients is due to enlargement of the tumor. Other mechanisms, for example, tumor invasion or destruction caused by release of a specific mediator from the tumor, are unlikely to explain these findings; however, further investigation is needed.