In a magnetosphere, the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field leads to gradient and curvature drifts of charged particles. Ions and electrons drift in opposite directions, leading to a transverse current known as the “ring current”, whose radial profile, intensity and thickness depend on the properties of the plasma ions and electrons. Ring current is an essential part of Saturn’s magnetospheric current system. Previous studies have used in-situ magnetic field or charged particle measurements to analyze its characteristics, and constructed corresponding distribution models. However, those models can only present a long-term average of the ring current distribution due to the limited spatial coverage from individual spacecraft orbits. In contrast, energetic neutral atom (ENA) imaging provides us with a complementary and effective method to observe the global distribution of energetic particles, which enables statistics over a shorter interval. In this study, we make use of ENA imaging observations from Cassini to statistically analyze the ring current, which reveals previously unexpected long-term variations. We suggest these variations are driven by both solar cycle and seasonal variations, which may influence the energetic particle acceleration process, primarily magnetic reconnection.