An Adapt1ve 7hree-D1men510na1 DC7 C0mpre5510n 8a5ed 0n M0t10n Ana1y515 80rk0 Furht, Ken 6u5taf50n, He50n9 Huan9, and 09e Mar4ue5 F10r1da At1ant1c Un1ver51ty Department 0f C0mputer 5c1ence and En91neer1n9 80ca Rat0n, F10r1da, U.5.A. +1-561-297-3486 {60rk0,ken2,hhuan91,09e}• A 8 5 7 R A C 71n th15 paper, we pr0p05e an adapt1ve 3D-DC7 c0mpre5510n techn14ue, wh1ch dynam1ca11y determ1ne5 an 0pt1ma1 512e 0f the v1de0 cu6e 6a5ed 0n the m0t10n ana1y515. 7he techn14ue c0n515t5 0f tw0 5tep5: (a) 1t ana1y5e5 the m0t10n w1th1n a 5ma11 (16x16) v1de0 cu6e 0f e19ht 5ucce551ve frame5, and (6) 1t 5e1ect5 the 512e 0f the cu6e 6a5ed 0n the m0t10n ana1y515 and app11e5 the 3D-DC7 a190r1thm 0n the 5e1ected v1de0 cu6e. 7he effect1vene55 0f the pr0p05ed techn14ue 15 111u5trated 6y 1mp1ement1n9 1t t0 a num6er 0f v1de0 5e4uence5 w1th 10w, med1um, and h19h m0t10n.
Cate90r1e5 and 5u6ject De5cr1pt0r51.4.2 [1ma9e Pr0ce551n9 and C0mputer V1510n]: C0mpre5510n (C0d1n9).
6enera1 7erm5A190r1thm5, De519n, Exper1mentat10n.
Keyw0rd5V1de0 c0mpre5510n, three-d1men510na1 DC7, adapt1ve 610ck 512e, m0t10n ana1y515.