Karst tunnels commonly pass through large karst caves during their construction and operation. Although treatment technologies are relatively mature, a systematic treatment method to guide the selection of treatment technologies is lacking. To solve this problem, a spatial decomposition method (SDM) of large karst caves is proposed that is based on analyzing the spatial relationship between tunnels and karst caves and summarizing the relevant treatment techniques. In this method, the space between the tunnel and the cavern is divided into eight parts using a space dividing line (SDL), which makes the spatial position relationship between the tunnel and cavern more intuitive. A geometric model of the SDM is established, and the numerical values of each geometric parameter are determined by field surveys and drawings. Constructing a three-dimensional spatial diagram by applying relevant parameters to the geometric model provides a reference for selecting a treatment technology. The SDM of the arch top, arch bottom, and two wings matching the treatment technology is proposed. Seven principles of technical selection—namely, safety, convenience, scientificity, sustainability, economy, feasibility, and openness—are mentioned in order to overcome the difficulty of technology selection due to such factors as technological diversity, materials, equipment, and environment. Finally, the SDM is used to solve the problem of the Shangyuan tunnel passing through a large karst cave. The implementation of the SDM in tunnel construction would represent a significant breakthrough and has important engineering value in solving the problem of tunnel passes through large karst caves.