In humans, the frontal sinus (FS) is located in the medial part of the supraorbital region, sometimes expanded throughout the frontal squama. It exhibits high morphological variability, but its general form appears to be constrained by surrounding structures. The goal of this study is to analyze FS growth and test for covariation between FS volume and the glabellar region, upper nasal region, bone thickness and endocranial size in a human sample from Argentina. The sample comprises 149 reconstructions derived from computed tomography images of individuals aged 0–31 years. Volume of the FS and measurements of the surrounding structures were recorded. The FS growth trajectory was assessed by parametric and nonparametric methods, and covariation was determined using correlations and partial correlations. The FS volume could be measured at an age of about 6 years and older; adults had no aplasia but hyperplasia was found in some cases. Since the most conspicuous characteristic found was variation among individuals, the nonparametric smoothing spline produced very poor fitting. The modified logistic function was the only parametric method providing significant parameters. Sexes differed in the age at which FS growth began and ended, with FS developing earlier but at a slower rate in females than in males. The FS volume did not correlate with either upper nasal width or endocranial volume, but it correlated with bone thickness measurements (mainly from the glabellar region), even when age was held constant. Expansion of the FS at the frontal poles also correlated with frontal bone thickness. Despite the difficulty in modeling and predicting the trajectory and morphology of FS, our results suggest that it is affected by its surrounding bony environment.