In metal additive manufacturing (AM) processes, parts are manufactured in layers by sintering or melting metat or metal altoy powder under the effect of a powerful taser or an electron beam. As the laser/electron beam scans the powder bed, it melts the powder in successive tracks which overlap each other. This overlap, called the hatch overlap, results in a continuous cycle of rapid melting and resolidiflcation of the metat. The metting of the metal from powder to liquid and subsequent sotidification causes anisotropic shrinkage in the layers. The thermat strains caused by the thermat gradients existing between the different layers and between the layers and the substrate leads to considerabte thermat stresses in the part. As a resutt, stress gradients devetop in the different directions of the part which lead to distortion and warpage in AM parts. The deformations due to shrinkage and thermal stresses have a signiflcant effect on the dimensional inaccuracies of the final part. A three-dimensional thermomechanicat finite etement (EE) modet has been devetoped in this paper which calculates the thermat deformation in AM parts based on slice thickness, part orientation, scanning speed, and materiat properties. The EE modet has been vatidated and benchmarked with resutts atready avaitabte in titerature. The thermat deformation modet is then superimposed with a geometric virtuat manufacturing model of' the AM process to catcutate the form and runout errors in AM parts. Einalty, the errors in the criticat features of the AM parts calculated using the combined thermat deformation and geometric modet are corretated with part orientation and stice thickness.