We simulated the rupture dynamics and ground motion of the 1850 Xichang, China, earthquake on the Zemuhe fault, which consists of the Lijinbao segment, the Dajing segment, the Chechejie segment, and the Songxin segment, with the curved grid finite-difference method, and compared the simulation results with the field observed data and written records inferred data. We focused on the rupture extent of this earthquake and the effects of the maximum principal stress azimuth and nucleation location on the rupture process and the corresponding damage distribution. Numerical simulation results suggest that the regional maximum principal stress orientation that surrounds the Zemuhe fault was approximately N55°W, which is identical with the azimuth from the stress relief experiment in the neighboring area. Our simulations further imply that the nucleation location is under Lanbiluo. The simulation of this preferred nucleation location model suggests that the rupture propagated through the entire Dajing segment and the Chechejie segment, and the rupture gradually arrested at shallow depths after it transferred to the Lijinbao segment and the Songxin segment. Moreover, the simulation suggests that the rupture on the Chechejie segment was initiated at the surface and then mainly propagated downward due to the free surface effect. In addition, the Xichang earthquake may have exhibited a low rupture velocity on the Dajing segment. Furthermore, our simulation results emphasize the importance of the stepover width in the earthquake dynamics.