Dedicated to Professor E. Sylvester Vizi on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Adrenergic receptors of the a 2 type (a 2 -adrenoceptors) belong to the family of seven transmembrane-spanning G-proteinlinked receptors.[1-9] a 2 -Adrenoceptors can be grouped into three highly homologous subtypes (a 2A , a 2B , and a 2C ) and, because of the difference in pharmacology, [10] a fourth subtype (a 2D ) can be formally distinguished, though this is rather a species orthologue.In general, the a 2 -adrenoceptors are responsible for the presynaptic feedback of the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, their physiological agonists. Although numerous findings are available on the receptor subtypes from experiments with knockout mice [11] and these results are of some relevance for human pharmacology, the similar patterns of expression of adrenergic receptors in human and mouse tissues do not guarantee similar functions. Thus, the individual roles of the three a 2 -adrenoceptor subtypes in humans have not been completely elucidated. However, the results of the reported studies do indicate (see Supporting Information) that the a 2 -adrenoceptor subtypes are involved in various important physiological processes, and further investigations of the differences in their molecular pharmacology are therefore essential.The identification of subtype-specific functions from pharmacological experiments is currently not possible because of the lack of subtype-specific ligands [3,[6][7][8] and the cross-reactivity with imidazoline receptors.[7] The development of subtype-selective agonists would be useful as it would facilitate further examinations of the molecular pharmacology of the a 2 -adrenoceptors. The rational, structure-based design of such agonists requires a precise knowledge of the molecular structure of the binding site. Unfortunately, because of the difficulties inherent in crystallization, atomic-resolution structures of the a 2 -adrenoceptors are not available in the Protein Databank.In the present study, an atomic-resolution model of the a 2A -adrenoceptor was constructed through use of its amino acid sequence and the crystallographic bovine rhodopsin structure as a template. Similar homology models were earlier constructed by other researchers [12] and successfully used to provide qualitative explanations. The a 2A -adrenoceptor model in the present study is based on a crystallographic template structure with a resolution of 2.2 [13] appropriate for quantitative investigations (for details, refer to the Computational Methods below).In possession of the atomic resolution target structure (a 2A -adrenoceptor), 15 known agonist ligands were automatically docked to the presumed binding region of the receptor (Figure 1 a). Inspection of the results revealed that the docked ligand conformations are in physical contact with the key residues D3.32A C H T U N G T R E N N U N G (113), S5.42A C H T U N G T R E N N U N G (200), and S5.46A C H T U N G T R E N N U N G (204), previously identified by site-directed mutagenesis studies. [1...