Large-scale storage of CO 2 into subsurface saline formations is essentially regarded as a promising tool to curb the increasing streak of anthropogenic carbon emissions and its subsequent result of global warming (IPCC, 2005). IPCC (2018) targets to restrict the warming of the atmosphere by less than 2 C by 2050 by injecting large volumes of CO 2 into carefully selected storage sites. Once injected into formations, it is expected that CO 2 remains trapped by a number of subsurface retention mechanisms such as stratigraphic trapping by a sealing caprock, capillary trapping of CO 2 in pore spaces, dissolution in the resident fluid, and adsorption onto the surfaces of organic matters (Delshad et al., 2013;IPCC, 2018;Pentland et al., 2011). However, CO 2 and resident brine can take on permeable paths and leak out to places where it poses a great potential to cause adverse effects from an environmental perspective (Lewicki et al., 2005(Lewicki et al., , 2007. Abandoned wells, faults, and caprock fractures are some of those permeable paths that are widely prevalent in subsurface storage sites (Celia & Nordbotten, 2009;Pruess, 2005;Zeidouni, 2014). The overlaying caprock itself, another possible route for leakage of brine and CO 2 , is often neglected due to its low permeability. Cihan et al. (2011) described the leakage of fluids through caprock as diffuse leakage and the leakage through permeable conduits other than the caprock itself as focused leakage.