We extend a model of four-dimensional simplicial quantum gravity to include degenerate triangulations in addition to combinatorial triangulations traditionally used. Relaxing the constraint that every 4-simplex is uniquely defined by a set of five distinct vertexes, we allow triangulations containing multiply connected simplexes and distinct simplexes defined by the same set of vertexes. We demonstrate numerically that including degenerated triangulations substantially reduces the finite-size effects in the model. In particular, we provide a strong numerical evidence for an exponential bound on the entropic growth of the ensemble of degenerate triangulations, and show that a discontinuous crumpling transition is already observed on triangulations of volume N 4 ≈ 4000. Discretized models of four-dimensional Euclidean quantum gravity, known as simplicial gravity or dynamical triangulations, have received ample attention in recent years, the hope being that in a suitable scaling limit they might provide a sensible non-perturbative definition of quantum gravity. In the simplicial gravity approach the integration over metrics is replaced by a sum over an ensemble of triangulations constructed by all possible gluings of equilateral 4-simplexes into closed (piece-wise linear) simplicial manifolds (see e.g. Ref. [1, 2]). The regularized Euclidean EinsteinHilbert action is particularly simple; it can be taken to depend on only two coupling constants, µ and κ, related to the cosmological and the inverse Newton's constants. The coupling constants are conjugate to the volume -the number of 4-simplexes -and the number of triangles in a given triangulation respectively. The regularized grand-canonical partition function thus becomes:The sum is over all distinct triangulations T ∈ T , N i is the number of i-simplexes in a triangulation T and C T denotes its symmetry factor -the number of equivalent labeling of the vertexes.