While soil vapor extraction has been widely utilized as a remedial action technology over the past decade, design and associated process performance modeling of full-scale systems continues to be frequently based on the results ofpilot-scale treatability tests. To aid engineers in conducting prelimina ry scoping studies without the beneBt r$such treatability data, a relatively simple a p prouch, consisting of linked design and process performance elements, was developed and subsequently incorporated into a spreadsheet format for rapid project evaluation purposes. Under this approach, a preliminary design is specified via a set of baseline values which vary based on the predominant soil type encountered at u particulur site. Process performance is then mathe matically modeled by a semi-empirical relation accounting for non-equilibrium (mass transfer) effects via use of a lumpdparameter, the venting efliciency factor (7). Values for q vary based on characterization of soil heterogeneity. B e low values cited for rj (on the order of 0.02-0.20) reflect the relative ineflciency of field venting operations (due to inherent mass transfer limitations) when compared to idealized conditions. Validation results, considering two case studies reported in the literature, indicate that the approach developed p m vides reasonably accurate predictions. Evaluation of a hypothetical case study reveak; that the number of extraction vents required as well as the number of pore volumes of soil vapor that must be extracted for esfective remediation can vary by an order of magnitude depending upon the particular soil matrix encountered.