The ability to measure in vivo knee kinematics accurately makes it tempting to calculate in vivo contact forces, pressures, and areas directly from kinematic data. However, the sensitivity of contact calculations to kinematic measurement errors has not been adequately investigated. To address this issue, we developed a series of sensitivity analyses derived from a validated in vivo computational simulation of gait. The simulation used an elastic foundation contact model to reproduce in vivo contact force, center of pressure, and fluoroscopic motion data collected from an instrumented knee replacement. Treating each degree of freedom (DOF) in the simulation as motion controlled, we first quantified how errors in measured relative pose of the implant components affected contact calculations. Pose variations of AE0.1 mm or degree over the entire gait cycle changed maximum contact force, pressure, and area by 204, 100, and 117%, respectively. Larger variations of AE0.5 mm or degree changed these same quantities by 1157, 108, and 578%, respectively. In both cases, the largest sensitivities were to errors in superior-inferior translation and varus-valgus rotation, with loss of contact occurring on one or both sides. We then quantified how switching the sensitive DOFs from motion to load control affected the sensitivity results. Pose variations of AE0.5 mm or degree in the remaining DOFs changed maximum contact quantities by at most 3%. These results suggest that accuracy on the order of microns and milliradians is needed to estimate contact forces, pressures, and areas directly from in vivo kinematic measurements, and that use of load rather than motion control for the sensitive DOFs may improve the accuracy of in vivo contact calculations. Keywords: in vivo knee kinematics; elastic contact model; computational simulation; total knee arthroplasty Technological advances allow measurement of in vivo knee kinematics with submillimeter accuracy. Such measurements are useful for investigating how changes in knee kinematics (e.g., following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury) may contribute to the development of osteoarthritis and how differences in knee replacement design may affect wear performance. Various methods exist for performing these in vivo measurements, including single-plane fluoroscopy with modelbased shape matching or implanted markers, 1-7 biplane X-ray with model-based shape-matching or implanted markers, [8][9][10][11] cortical bone pins with external marker triads, 12 and point cluster methods with redundant surface markers.13,14 For X-ray-based methods, the accuracy of the translations and rotations representing the pose of the femur with respect to the tibia are on the order of AE0.5 mm/degreee for single-plane methods of these measurements and AE0.1 mm/degree for biplane methods.
8-11The high accuracy of these measurements makes it tempting to use them directly to estimate contact forces, pressures, and areas on the medial and lateral condyles and to determine contact status (i.e., in or...