We show how the theory of the critical behaviour of d-dimensional polymer networks of arbitrary topology can be generalized to the case of networks confined by hyperplanes. This in particular encompasses the case of a single polymer chain in a bridge configuration. We further define multi-bridge networks, where several vertices are in local bridge configurations. We consider all cases of ordinary, mixed and special surface transitions, and polymer chains made of self-avoiding walks, or of mutually-avoiding walks, or at the tricritical Θ-point. In the Θ-point case, generalising the good-solvent case, we relate the critical exponent for simple bridges, γ Θ b , to that of terminally-attached arches, γ Θ 11 , and to the correlation length exponent ν Θ . We find γ Θ b = γ Θ 11 + ν Θ . In the case of the special transition, we find γ Θ b (sp) = 1 2 [γ Θ 11 (sp) + γ Θ 11 ] + ν Θ . For general networks, the explicit expression of configurational exponents then naturally involve bulk and surface exponents for multiple random paths. In two-dimensions, we describe their Euclidean exponents from a unified perspective, using Schramm-Loewner Evolution (SLE) in Liouville quantum gravity (LQG), and the so-called KPZ relation between Euclidean and LQG scaling dimensions. This is done in the case of ordinary, mixed and special surface transitions, and of the Θ-point. We provide compelling numerical evidence for some of these results both in two-and three-dimensions.