DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/acf19d
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Three-dimensional Turbulent Reconnection within the Solar Flare Current Sheet

Yulei Wang,
Xin Cheng,
Mingde Ding
et al.

Abstract: Solar flares can release coronal magnetic energy explosively and may impact the safety of near-Earth space environments. Their structures and properties on the macroscale have been interpreted successfully by the generally accepted 2D standard model, invoking magnetic reconnection theory as the key energy conversion mechanism. Nevertheless, some momentous dynamical features as discovered by recent high-resolution observations remain elusive. Here, we report a self-consistent high-resolution 3D magnetohydrodyna… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(4 citation statements)
References 67 publications
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“…We speculate that they may be related to the plasmoids generated in the high-lying current sheet, which can be formed through the collapse of the breakout null point during the main acceleration phase, as simulated by Karpen et al (2012) and Wyper et al (2018). In 3D, the plasmoids are tiny flux ropes formed by the tearing mode instability (Wang et al 2023). However, the confirmation of the blobs being plasmoids is restricted by the resolution of the current observations.…”
Section: The Acceleration Phasementioning
confidence: 94%
“…We speculate that they may be related to the plasmoids generated in the high-lying current sheet, which can be formed through the collapse of the breakout null point during the main acceleration phase, as simulated by Karpen et al (2012) and Wyper et al (2018). In 3D, the plasmoids are tiny flux ropes formed by the tearing mode instability (Wang et al 2023). However, the confirmation of the blobs being plasmoids is restricted by the resolution of the current observations.…”
Section: The Acceleration Phasementioning
confidence: 94%
“…In explosive phenomena such as solar flares, strong turbulence is self-consistently generated in reconnection current sheets as well as in post-flare loops (e.g., Cheng et al 2018;Wang et al 2023). The turbulent scattering gives rise to a variety of observational signatures, including nonthermal broadening of flare emission lines (e.g., Young et al 2015;Li et al 2018), prominent coronal sources observed in hard X-ray bands (e.g., Masuda et al 1994;Dai et al 2010;Guo et al 2012).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The study of solar flares led to the standard flare scenario based on light-curve variations and detailed spatiotemporally resolved images. This standard flare model has been modeled frequently in 2D magnetohydrodynamic settings where a vertical current sheet is evolved to a flare-loop configuration, and was recently revisited with a number of advanced 3D simulations (Shen et al 2022;Ruan et al 2023;Wang et al 2023), as well as with 2.5D models where selfconsistent two-way coupling between electron beams and the multidimensional MHD scenario is incorporated (Ruan et al 2020;Druett et al 2023), or where postflare coronal rain is obtained in multi-D settings (Ruan et al 2021). It should be noted that these models deliberately adopt a simple initial magnetic topology, and as yet do not involve the actual full flux-rope eruption process, but rather concentrate on the realistic thermodynamic and energetic evolution in and below the current sheet region.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%