In this paper, I calculate the large N limit of marginal O(N ) models in arbitrary odd dimensions d. This results in a new class of pure conformal field theories (CFTs) with non-polynomial potentials which are analytically and exactly solvable for all λ. Further, I calculate the thermal entropy for all couplings in flat space on R 2n × R 1 for any n ∈ N with d = 2n + 1. With this, in 2+1 dimensions I find the strong-to-weak coupling ratio of the thermal entropy to be 4/5, matching recent results, and further extend this analysis to higher odd d. Next, I calculated the vacuum entanglement entropy of a spherical region in flat space s d EE for all couplings in arbitrary odd d. I find the vacuum entanglement entropy on the boundary of d-sphere s d EE to be not only solvable but also constant for all couplings λ. Thus, in the large N limit, the vacuum entanglement entropy of an odd-dimensional spherical region is constant for all couplings λ, in contrast to the thermal entropy which is shown to also be monotonically decreasing with λ.