From the brown alga Dilophus fasciola the di terpenoid 6 with a new tetracyclic ring system was isolated. The structure and relative stereochemistry of this compound were determined essentially by spectral data including two-dimensional nmr methods.A bewildering array of mono-, di-, and tri-cyclic diterpenoids have been isolated from brown algae of the family Dictyotaceae. Representative examples of these classes are dilophol (1), obtained from Dilophus ligulatus (1), pachydictyol A (2) from Pachydictyon coriaceum (2), and amijol (3) isolated from Dictyota linearis (3).In previous papers, we described the isolation of a number of diterpenoids based on the dolabellane skeleton, for example, 4 and 5, from a brown alga provisionally classified as Dictyota sp. (4-7). From this same alga, which, after a more accurate morphological examination, turned out to be a species belonging to the closely related genus Dilophus, namely Dilophus fasciola (Roth) Howe, we have now isolated a diterpenoid, fasciola-7, lS-dien-17-al1 (6) with a novel 3,6,6,5-carbotetracyclic framework. We wish to describe here the structure elucidation of this new algal metabolite.Compound 6, C20H28O (hrms) was isolated by repeated chromatography of the CHClj extract of the alga as an optically active, crystalline solid. Its spectral properties revealed remarkable, albeit partial, similarities with those of the dolabellane-based diterpenoids. Thus, the eims of 6 contains intense peaks at mlz 121 (C9H13) and 81 (C6H9) which are present in the mass spectrum of all the dolabellanes we have so far investigated and can be assigned to fragments I and II.However, the molecular formula combined with the presence of a conjugated formyl group [ir: 1678 cm-1; *H nmr:9-48 (s, 17-H) and 6.94 (t,_/=3 Hz, 7-H);13C nmr: (C-7), 148.0 (C-8), and 194.3 ppm (C-17)} and a terminal double bond { 4.77 and 4.82 (1H each, bs, 19-Ha and 19-Hb); 13C nmr: 147.4 (C-18), 111.0 (C-19), and 26.1 ppm (C-20)}, which accounted for all the 13C-nmr resonances for sp2-hybridized carbons, required 6 to have a tetracyclic framework. A preliminary examination of the 'H-nmr (Table 1) and 13C-nmr (Table 2) spectra pointed to a novel ring system, and, therefore, efforts were directed toward the preparation of a single crystal amenable to X-ray structural elucidation. Since these attempts were frustrated by the fact that 6 crystallized in a form unsuitable for X-ray analysis, we tried to solve the structure by spectroscopic methods only.1 We have named the adlehyde (6) as a derivative of the hypothetical hydrocarbon "fascioiane." The numbering system follows that for the related dolabellane diterpenoids.