“…For frequency-domain CSEM, different approaches exist to minimize the effects of the airwave from the data. These approaches include modelling and adjacent subtraction (Nordskag & Amundsen, 2007), weighted differences between pairs of receivers or sources (Løseth et al, 2010;Chen & Alumbaugh, 2011), taking the frequency derivative (Maaø & Nguyen, 2010;Chen & Alumbaugh, 2011) or a difference between fields at two frequencies that are further apart (Wirianto et al, 2011), magnetotelluric impedance stripping (Chen & Alumbaugh, 2011), wavefield decomposition (Amundsen et al, 2006), and interferometry (Wapenaar et al, 2008b). Weiss (2007) shows that the CSEM time-domain response from a subsurface resistor in shallow water may be easier to distinguish from the airwave arrival than in the frequency domain because of the possible separation of the two events in time.…”